The Foundation will focus on cognitive, behavioural, and emotional disorders, with special emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders, suicide prevention, grief and traumatic loss, and mental wellness.
Specific disorders will include but are not limited to:
Anxiety Disorders
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Huntington’s Disease
Infectious Diseases affecting central nervous system
Mood Disorders
Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s Plus
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Schizophrenia and other psychotic illnesses
Substance use Disorders, including alcohol abuse and dual diagnosis
Traumatic Brain Disorders
Due to limited capacity, grant proposals are by invitation only. The Foundation is unable to consider unsolicited funding requests and we regret that it will not be possible to respond to these.
The Valour Foundation’s Medical Research Grant Program will only consider grant applications from, and award grants to, Principal Investigators with primary affiliations at not-for-profit institutions, as defined by the United States Internal Revenue Service in Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1968 and classified as other than a private foundation under the terms of Section 590 (a). Accordingly, a document confirming that the applicant-institution conforms to this criterion should accompany the grant application.
Where the grant application originates from a country other than the United States, a similar rule will apply, and a document confirming the applicant Principal Investigator’s primary affiliation with a not-for-profit institution will be required as part of the grant application.
The Foundation does not permit subcontracting to another institution key components of the research – whether for personnel, investigators, research space, etc. Occasionally, if certain collateral components of the project need to be subcontracted out – such as reimbursements for highly-specialized laboratory testing – the Foundation may make an exception. Written approval from the Foundation is required for this exception.